Denise Cassino started her real estate career in 1972, after earning a B.A. from Northern Illinois University.  She began as a closer for Fuller & Company, moved onto residential closing for Crown Realty and then entered the title insurance industry where she spent 8 years as a branch manager.  In 1981, Denise became a leasing agent for Empire Park, a 4-building, 640,000 sf project. After two years, she took an on-site leasing job with Loup-Miller bringing 200,000 sf Union Tower to 85% occupancy.  In 1985, she joined Lon at Colorado Real Estate Group.  Denise has managed the leasing division handling  office, retail and industrial leasing along with sales.

Contact Denise at 
303 753-1663303 753-1663 office
303 670-1900 fax
303 901-3907303 901-3907 cell

Lon Cassinoa native of Denver,  started his real estate career in 1972, working for Roy Romer selling land in Conifer, Colorado. After two years, he turned to residential real estate and joined the firm of Fritchlie and Company. In 1975, Lon moved to Crown Realty where he became manager of the Aurora Branch, but  In 1982, Lon set his sites on commercial real estate and opened Colorado Real Estate Group of which he is president. His focus is on sales of office, retail, industrial, apartments and land properties. Lon has a Bachelor of Science  from University of Northern Colorado in Marketing and Finance.

Contact Lon at 
303 753-1663303 753-1663 office
303 670-1900 fax
303 901-1679303 901-1679 cell

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